The other weekend, my thoughts drifted toward the Five-Ingredient Freezer Biscuits, as often happens on lazy Sunday mornings, and it got me thinking of breakfast sandwich ideas. It took only a fraction of a second before I began considering what might result when I baked the cheese and ham in my 5-ingredient Freezer Biscuits. I tried the Ham and Cheese Biscuits idea today, which is excellent. Idea. Ever.

However, be aware that these breakfast biscuits are extremely rich and decadent. This recipe should only be used for special occasions. Although delicious, they’re not something I would recommend (or would recommend) eating all day long.


Similar to these original frozen biscuits, I’m sure you can put them together, store them in the freezer, and bake two, one, or even three, depending on the quantity you require out of the freezer. I haven’t tried any frozen Biscuits made of Ham or Cheese since I went to bake them throughout the day, but similar to the plain biscuits of the past, They will likely need just a few more minutes in the oven after baking from frozen.


2.5 cups of all-purpose flour (plus some dusting) ($0.26)

One teaspoon salt ($0.05)

1/2 Tbsp sugar ($0.02)

4 tsp baking soda ($0.16)

1 pint thick cream ($1.69)

Six slices cheese ($1.03)

12 slices deli ham ($1.59)


The oven should be heated to about 400oF. Mix the sugar, flour, salt, and baking powder in a bowl. Stir until everything is well incorporated.

Put the thick cream in the bowl. Stir until the flour is moistened and an even dough ball develops.

Scrape biscuit batter from the bowl on a cleaned surface, then work it into an unfinished rectangle. Using a rolling pin to form the dough into an 8×11-inch rectangle approximately 1/2 inch thick. Divide each piece into 12.

Place the cheese slice and two pieces of Ham on six biscuit squares. Cover with the remaining biscuit squares. Put these Ham and Cheese Biscuits onto baking sheets covered with parchment paper. Transfer them to the oven that is preheated.

Bake the Ham and Cheese Biscuits for approximately 25 minutes or till the biscuits have a golden brown on the top. Serve warm.